Reaching Goals

What are your goals for this summer?  Are you looking to lose weight?  How much? By when? Do you have a trainer or someone to work out with?  Here are a few tips; keep your workouts exciting, do them often (three times a week cardio is what is recommended but I will say five to 6 times a day is more beneficial), and integrate weight training into your cardio.

Are you looking to produce more art?  Do you have a schedule mapped out? What times of the day are more productive for you?  What inspires you for new material?  What values are you trying to create in your art?  Political messages? Emotional?  How do you get to the visions you have in your head from where you are right now, today?

Are you a parent trying to get your child to cooperate but don’t know where to turn because you are short on time and support?  Do you wish you had more time with your children but are working too much and would like to change it?  I could assist in whatever goals you have with your children that will allow you to show up and be present with them and can give you daily tools to use to keep you focused on your parenting goals.

Do you have a burning desire to write that book you have wanted to write?  Do the ideas get caught in the wheels in your head and you get confused where to start and end up frustrated?  I could assist you with getting through the beginning stages of putting your ideas together and design a plan of action.

The mediums I use are of artistic origin and occasionally equine origin.  We can coach on the phone, in person, or with horses.  I am offering two sessions for the month of July for $10.00 because I believe in coaching, that it helps people shift, and that everyone should have equal access to personal coaching.  Whatever you strive for, I would love to help you realize your goals.

Create a Life From Passion Not Regret


Silent Moon Coaching Servicessuccess-maya-angelou


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