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Silent Moon Coaching Service’s mission is to guide people through their inner journey towards action, change, and fulfillment by goal setting and mapping out life plans.  S.M.C. believes that all people are creative, resourceful and already whole and that sometimes we just need accountability to make shift happen.  S.M.C. “holds the light while you navigate through the night”©® .


Silent Moon’s vision is to use natural places, the arts, writing, fitness, and animals to help people connect with their truth, voice, talents and communities through Co-Active Life a Coaching.  Silent Moon believes that if you create a life built from passion not regret, then you make decisions that are value centered, that you will leave a legacy that you will be content with, and that you will maximize your time by simplifying and de-stressing your destiny.


Creativity is the forest of our humanity. Art and music help us connect with our roots and horses accompany us on our journey, carrying our burdens and providing companionship. Throughout history, horses have lifted us through myth, guided our sub-conscious mind in dream time, assisted in the construction of cities, provided transportation, and chaperoned in peace and war. They have patiently awaited on the sidelines of dancing campfires throughout history while humans played drums, sang, and painted life with ancient story brushes hoping to imprint future generations with acquired knowledge and skill. They lead us into creation with the cadence of hoof beats reflective of ancestral drumming, summoning wisdom and connection to the divine. Silent Moon’s creativity based Co-Active Life Coaching service’s are for people that want change and are ready to step into making their dreams manifest. Human’s are natural beings part of the environment, not separate from it. Silent Moon seeks to use nature based mediums to assist you on your journey to create a life that brings you joy, fulfillment and positive challenges that will empower and inspire you. As your life coach, I will hold creative space while you navigate your life path and together, we will design an alliance that is right for you. Whether through art, music, writing, nature walks or with horses, Silent Moon Coaching Services will deliver a unique coaching service to those seeking changes and new energy.
TM©®2014  All rights reserved.

A Healing Drum Circle That I am a participant in.  Love drum circles!

Below is an example of how the horses help me determine what I might talk about for writing prompts or coaching prompts.  Enjoy as they fight over food.

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